【世界著名交响乐团】(三)维也纳爱乐乐团(Wiener Philharmoniker)
发布日期:2025-03-07 16:13 点击次数:134
第二次世界大战后,以伯姆和卡拉扬为中心,继续他们的演奏活动,后来,由阿巴多担任指挥(相当于常任指挥)。此外,伯姆、伯恩斯坦、马泽尔、慕蒂和梅塔等,也经常被邀客串指挥,每一位能够指挥该乐团的指挥家,都是由乐团成员们一人一票选出来的。维也纳是世界音乐之都,维也纳爱乐乐团体现着最纯正的维也纳风格,弦乐浑厚,线条清晰。较之芝加哥交响乐团的铜管声部,维也纳爱乐乐团的铜管很有融合力,没有尖刺突兀之感。乐曲收尾简洁利落,丝毫不拖泥带水,乐团的圆号采用的是维也纳圆号,号管相较于一般的圆号长,吹奏时给予听众别样的感觉,这正是维也纳爱乐乐团的独特之处。团员演奏出来的“传统音响”,具有独特的美感,这是在别的乐团所听不到的。从演奏曲目上看,虽然显得较保守,但每当演奏传统的德奥系作品时,一定会表现出由衷的共鸣与自发性,这种魅力难有追随者。维也纳爱乐是世界顶级乐团之一,在世界上有着极高的声誉。曾指挥这支著名乐团录制过唱片的指挥家达40多位。Early HistoryUntil the first Philharmonic concert on March 28, 1842, the City of Vienna did not have a professional concert orchestra, despite the presence of composers such as Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. Concerts of symphonic works were played by ensembles specially assembled for the occasion. Orchestras composed entirely of professional musicians were found only in the theaters.The FoundingOtto Nicolai (1810-1849) was appointed conductor at the Kärntertortheater in 1841. Encouraged by influential figures of Vienna's musical life, he revived Lachner's idea and on March 28, 1842 conducted a "Grand Concert" in the Großer Redoutensaal which was presented by all the orchestra members of the imperial "Hof-Operntheater". This "Philharmonic Academy", as it was originally called, is rightly regarded as the origin of the orchestra, because all the principles of the "Philharmonic Idea", which still apply today, were put into practice for the first time:Only a musician who plays in the Vienna State Opera Orchestra (originally Court Opera Orchestra) can become a member of the Vienna Philharmonic.The orchestra is artistically, organizationally and financially autonomous, and all decisions are reached on a democratic basis during the general meeting of all members.The day-to-day management is the responsibility of a democratically elected body, the administrative committee.The Philharmonic Subscription ConcertsUnder the leadership of Otto Dessoff (1835-1892) the repertoire was consistently enlarged, important organizational principles (music archives, rules of procedure) were introduced and the orchestra moved to its third new home. At the beginning of the 1870/71 season it began playing in the newly built Goldener Saal in the Musikverein building in Vienna, which has proved to be the ideal venue, with its acoustical characteristics influencing the orchestra's style and sound.When Otto Nicolai left Vienna permanently in 1847, the young enterprise almost collapsed, having lost in one person not only its artistic but also its administrative leader. Twelve years of stagnation followed before a new innovation brought about the long-awaited change of fortune. On January 15, 1860, the first of four subscription concerts took place in the Kärntnertortheater under the baton of then opera director Carl Eckert, and since that time, the "Philharmonic Concerts" have been staged without interruption. The only significant change in all those years was to switch from having one conductor for a complete season of subscription concerts to the present system of having various guest conductors within a season. 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击举报。下一篇:没有了